Product Care

Care of Your Jada Loveless Handbag

Each Jada Loveless is a handmade, one of a kind luxury item. The finest craftsmanship and materials hallmark the Collection, which will be enjoyed for years to come with proper care and handling:

  • Avoid moisture and excessive humidity. Tanned alligator skins are not waterproof, and exposure to moisture can seriously damage the finish and/or shape of the bag. Should your handbag become wet do not apply any type of heat. Pat the bag dry with a soft cloth, then allow to air dry at room temperature.
  • Avoid direct sunlight which can fade or discolor the skins.
  • Avoid excessive heat and dry conditions. Leaving your bag in a car for an extended period of time on a hot day is a prime example of temperature extremes to be avoided.
  • Chemicals and alcohols in cosmetic products, and lotions, can also dull the finish of your bag as will oils of any kind.
  • Never use over the counter household cleaning products to clean the handbag.
  • Remove surface oils and fingerprints with a soft dry cloth or sheepskin mitt (do not use abrasive fabrics or paper towels as they will scratch the finish).
  • Always store your bag in a cool, dry location in the bag provided at purchase.


Care of Jada Loveless Jeweled Clasps

The jeweled clasps and fittings of your Jada Loveless handbag are made of vermeil, precious and semi precious stones, and should be cared for with the same level of care as fine jewelry. As some stones are softer and more porous than others, please observe the following:

Avoid cleaners with ammonia or chemicals which can damage certain stones and the exterior finish of your handbag. A soft cloth is the safest way to remove any residue. Should your clasp become heavily soiled please contact us or a local jewelry specialist.

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